Culture-led Strategy  

& Communications.    

We are a global communications consultancy that blends creativity, insight and guile to help brands navigate culture, connect with audiences and grow sustainably.


Brands are increasingly disconnected from consumers, failing to keep up with the massive cultural shifts that are defining organisational culture and consumer needs and behaviour.

This is manifested in decreasing trust, diminishing loyalty and increasing hostility towards brands and organisations.

A fresh, culture-based approach is needed to close this gap and restore consumer advocacy and belief.

It’s the only way to achieve sustainable growth.

Ideologically Charged Consumers

Covid, climate change, the recent generational wealth transfer and current economic uncertainty are accelerating change in consumer and business culture. People now buy on belief and they are more critical and active than ever around brands, products, spokespeople and CEOs.

The gap between organisation and consumer culture is widening.

Cultural Synergy

Brands are not keeping up with the cultural changes that influence consumer needs and behaviour. They have high quantities of poorly understood audience data -- they know a lot about “what” is happening but don't really understand the “why” behind it.

At TheCltr we know that sustainable growth, both long-term and good for people and planet, can only be built through cultural synergy. Businesses that constantly align consumer and organisational priorities will thrive.

We offer the insight and communication tools that allow brands to rapidly understand the world they are operating in, and ultimately, achieve sustainable growth.

80% of consumers believe the average brand doesn’t understand them as individuals.

IBM Econsultancy

Culture is Our Thing

We use a proprietary method to explore two relevant sides of culture:

Consumer Culture: what drives experience and behaviour - understanding this allows us to identify your target consumer and areas of sustainable growth.

Organisational Culture: how the business delivers the opportunities uncovered by consumer culture.

The connection of these two systems is for us an act of creation: where creativity and data meet to drive growth, and where we find the fuel to finance sustainable growth driving both efficiencies and topline revenue.

Brands can no longer ignore the cultural upheaval
affecting all aspects of decision-making.
They do so at their peril.

Sitting on the sidelines is not an option.
Sustainable growth can only be achieved through
actively aligning organizations with
the consumers they serve.

Mike Bennett, CEO, TheCltr

What we do

We deliver communications, strategy and growth using three core services. Built by a diverse leadership team from Accenture, WPP, Nike, Wieden + Kennedy and Enero Group, our services help understand, balance, and mobilise brands in an ever more complex environment.


A research & strategy service that helps brands navigate 21st century consumer culture, be proactive, credible and future-oriented..

The Growth Index

An AI-led tool that brings together internal and external data (online, social, sector, etc.) to provide insights that guide growth and identify innovation.

Creative Delivery

A cultural approach to advertising and creative delivery. We start from knowledge and data, so we can create brand impact and executions that drive growth.

Connect. Blend. Grow.

We connect every part of the business to the customer through a blend of cultural insights, strategy, technology and the creative ideas that result from it. All to to enable long-term, sustainable growth.

Our Values & Beliefs

We worked hard to create a place where we all love to work, so all our team is involved in developing and evolving our values and beliefs. These guide the work we do: how we think, how we create and how we interact with our clients.

Know the Culture

We are obsessed with culture, how it is created, sustained, changed and empowered. To understand WHY things happen and create powerful, relevant human insights.

Work Connected

To the world and to each other. We bring everything we are (heart & brain) to the table, to create holistic and valuable experiences that differentiate.

Imagine More

We think beyond the problem and add a vision. We merge creativity and data in order to achieve sustainable strides, not just marginal short-term change.

Prove It

We value data and evidence of impact to engineer and deliver on growth ambitions of both our clients and our people.

Create a Bang

We understand the many forms of value - knowledge, social change or financial gain - and we provoke real, tangible impact to generate it.